

The NHL. Home of some of the world's toughest guys. The only team sport to allow fist fights. And now, a league that is sending its players to charm school. Sean Avery, defenseman for the Dallas Stars, made this statement in a pre-game interview a few days ago:

"I am really happy to be back in Calgary, I love Canada," he said. "I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds. I don't know what that's about. Enjoy the game tonight."

Avery has since been thrashed for his candor. Not only thrashed, but suspended--indefinitely. What? Are you serious? For referring to an ex as his "sloppy seconds"? I can see suspending him if it was some sort of racial slur, but not for making a little joke about some girl you used to date. And it's barely a personal attack on anyone. All he did was state "I used to date her" in different words.

As if the NHL didn't have enough trouble earning the interest and respect of sports fans. Hockey is a great sport. Home of the last true warriors. Guys who really do play for the love of the game. Guys who get stitched up on the bench and lose teeth like loose pocket change. And apparently now, guys who aren't allowed to make jokes. Ridiculous.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

I agree with you for the most part... but you have to realize "sloppy seconds" is an extremely sexist comment on par w/ a racial slur.