

I've returned from my west coast hiatus relaxed, refreshed and excited to be back in the city. And then I left the airport to find that god has decided to punish me for my lethargy by making the world ridiculously cold. This, however, I took in stride. The cold is a chance to test your resolve. Leave the house, victory. Walk somewhere instead of taking a cab, victory. Lose your gloves and go barehanded, victory. It seemed that I was going to take my calm, California-made demeanor and run with it.

Until this morning. After sitting and waiting for 35 minutes to be interviewed for a job I only half-want, my interview was cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow. Alright, annoying, but whatever. I left and walked to the subway (victory), where the machine refused to accept my Metrocard. Accepting my fate, I left that particular entrance and walked a block to the next entrance(victory), where a machine told me my card was "just used." No shit. Used unsuccessfully. Luckily, this entrance had a booth, where I could explain my situation to the MTA employee. He took my card, scanned it and said "it was just used five minutes ago." When I explained to him that yes, I had tried to use it, but the swipe machine was broken he explained, "well, looks like you'll have to wait ten minutes."


I suggested, calmly, that he could just buzz me through the gate, since I have an unlimited pass. I've seen it done before. But no, he says, I would have to stand and wait. At this point I started to lose my temper and say things like, that's fucking ridiculous. I know you can buzz me through. This is absurd. You want me just to stand here? Yes, he said, that was the best solution. So for about two minutes I stood at the booth window, glaring at him while he helped other people. Then I realized that was stupid and childish. So I spent two dollars for a single use card and went home.

Welcome back to New York.

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