

Today I was walking through a tunnel from the ACE portion of the subway system on my way to the 7 when, for some unknown reason, I looked up. To my surprise, fixed to one of the painted steel rafters was a white sign with black type. It said "IF LATE," That's it. If. Late. Comma. Not even a complete thought. Puzzling, I thought. And on I went. Not ten yards later, attached to another rafter was another sign. "GET FIRED." Was this is its own thought, or a continuation of the other sign? If late, get fired. Makes sense. Or was this sign simply instructing you to get fired? From this point, I spent the rest of my walk watching for more signs, which there were. This--unless I missed one--is the subliminal message posted on the rafters in that subway tunnel:

If late,

Get fired.

Why bother?

Why the pain?

Just go home.

Do it again.

Bizarre. Who put that there? The MTA? If so, to what purpose? If not, why haven't they taken it down? Is it some famous poem I don't know about? Is it a part of some puzzle that if solved rewards the sleuth with a free subway pass for life? Did vandals post it? Some right-wing Christian group? Luckily, Google knows the answer.

Click here for images and actual information about this "poem."

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