

Months ago, when Brett Favre finally retired I came out as a fan. Despite being an avid Lions fan (thus programmed to hate Green Bay and Chicago), I couldn't help but admire the passion and grit with which Favre played.

But the recent coming out of retirement circus has been an abomination. The Packers, Favre and the media are all to blame. Mostly the media, in my opinion. In what must have been one of the slowest sporting news months in recent memory, the Favre story was on for about 1/4 of every sporting news show. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT BRETT FAVRE! Speculation on top of speculation. Interviews with people who have nothing to do with Favre, the Packers or his situation. I mean, they asked Tiger Woods about it. You seriously don't have any better questions for arguably the most dominant athlete (within his sport) in the world? That journalist should be fired and Tiger should refuse to answer any more questions about over-the-hill athletes from other sports possibly coming out of retirement.

Favre has to take some responsibility for this. I mean, make up your mind. I understand the desire to play again once the season gets close, but think about your legacy. This has certainly tainted it. You were a legend--no, a God--in Green Bay. You played there your entire career. You could probably feed a whole nursery full of babies to a pit bull, then torture that pit bull and feed it to your infant daughter and nuns in Green Bay would STILL give you a blowjob on the street. But now you're going to play for the Jets? Ugh. Brett, Brett, Brett. You're ruined everything.

Now we just have to wait for the end of season "will Brett retire" talk to begin. It'll probably start tomorrow and last all season.

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