

Yes, it's taken me a few months to come forward, but I need to tell my story. Verizon took my trust and then violated me to the tune of $175. Here, in a letter I wrote to customer service, is the breakdown of what occurred:

Dear Customer Service,

I've written twice before and I just want to be clear about what I'm asking and saying. I left [Verizon] after I was informed it was time for my "new every two" phone credit. Common sense says "new every two" that means it's been two years since my last contract. So I switched services.

I was then informed that I'm being charged a $175 contract termination fee. Confused, I contacted customer service only to find out that "new every two" starts two months short of your actual contract date. Of course, I would have no way of knowing this, since my bills for the last year only state the day I upgraded my service (01/20/2006).

Conveniently, on the last bill--the one with the $175 charge--it lists the plan start date as 05/23/2005. I'm not contesting that's the right date; it probably is. I'm merely proposing that perhaps your tactics were misleading and unfair. It's not as if I skipped out on two years of service. I was barely a month short of fulfilling my contract. And it's not as though I purposely voided my agreement short of the end date. It was a misunderstanding.

I am willing to pay for the extra month of service I had agreed to (around $81), but if you insist on charging me the $175, I will spend $175 worth of my time badmouthing Verizon to anyone and everyone who will listen. I know that may not seem like much, but I believe that customer service and corporate responsibility still count for something.

I had been a loyal customer for some time and left on good terms, until this little $175 ambush. I'm not asking anything unreasonable, it's the principle. Anyways, I'm sure this will reach some generic customer service representative who will send me the standard "your contract started on" message, so I might as well send my check and start bitching about how Verizon was unfair to me. But on the off chance someone there has some sense, I thought I would try one more time.


Jim Therkalsen

So Verizon Wireless, this is where my revenge begins. Chances are I will get bored and stop posting about my bleeding anus and wounded pocketbook before I do any real damage, but I plan to spend ten minutes of each work day (because I have the time) posting my story on chat-boards. Verizon, you cocksuckingassfuckers. Eat shit.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to extact revenge on a giant corporation, please share.


Anonymous said...

Your two best bets would be linking this post to Digg and Slashdot in any fashion you are able to. Don't be afraid of the telephone, either. Escalate. There have been a few highly covered Verizon billing issues, including one where a customer service rep thought $.02 = $.002, and billed accordingly. I understand your situation is different, but their tactics may help. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

it's true that the upgrade is 2 months prior to contract end date, but if you had re-activate dthe line and continued your service for the rest of the contract, you would have gotten out of the 175 early termination fee. or you could have just called in and asked for your contract end date and not your upgrade date. it's really annoying when people post storys when they don't get the facts. instead of whining about it you should have called in and done something about it.. like maybe ask for a supervisor.... hmmmm. but if you switched services at the end of your contract you couldn't have been that happy to begin with. so no matter what i bet you would have whined.

the mouth said...

Well, anonymous, I did call and ask if I could re-activate the line and just pay for my last month of service, thus saving myself $88. But they said that wasn't an option.

And I talked to 2-3 supervisors during this ordeal and they all gave the same answer, that it was a policy and they couldn't do anything about it.

Furthermore, I went to a Verizon store, where they were also unable to do anything about my situation. If they had done anything aside from stick to their guns about the charge, I never would have posted anything. The service was fine up until that point. So go suck a dick, coward.