

Today I received an e-mail that made me feel slightly less confident in myself. The circumstances leading up to the e-mail are as follows:

1. A couple of months ago I bought a crock pot.
2. I love slow cooking chili, stew and just about anything that can be slow cooked.
3. I received an e-mail from my gay uncle entitled "Crock Pot Cooking Recipes"
4. I sent said uncle an e-mail that said "You must have heard I got a crock pot. Thanks for the recipes."

His reply left me a little rattled:

"Your welcome Jim,
no one told me [about the crock pot purchase],
I just thought they were
good for us single folks


First, a fifty-something-year old man should know the difference between "your" and "you're". If you're not homeless and you're not retarded, you owe it to yourself to sort these out.

Second, when he thought, "hmmmm, who, like me, is a single, grown man who would appreciate these crock pot recipes?" he thought of me. While it's true that I am a single (well, was single) grown man who happens to love slow cooking, I think this should come as a surprise to most people. For instance, I would say to you "I love slow cooking," you would reply, "No! You? I never would have guessed that, ever."

And G-Dude? His name is Gordon, so I get it. But he's also a gay man. So is it Gay Dude or Gordon Dude? Either way, I think it's time to give up referring to yourself as a dude.

I guess I should just come to terms with the fact that slow cooking is loved by many different types of people. As it very well should be.


In unrelated news, last night I was granted a viewing of an episode of Elimidate featuring my friend Kristyn. She gave us a behind the scenes narration of how it all worked. It's debatable which was the most memorable moment in the show, Kristyn pulling the guy out of the hot tub and straddling him to make out, or her referring to the other two girls and holding up her left then right hand, while saying 'fatty or skank? fatty, skank, fatty, skank..." Brilliant.


Little Red said...


I am 28, and I love slow-cooking too, although after reading your blog I am unsure as to whether to admit such a thing.

Please check out my blog... its a bit less cheerful than yours perhaps... hopefully I will be working on the cheefulness aspect in the next few days x

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