

I'm not sure where, exactly, I picked up this book. I know I have it because I read e, a short novel by Matthew Beaumont, and it cracked me up. It was a story set in an ad agency, told entirely through e-mails sent between characters. The format made for a fast, hilarious read.

But when I opened this book, The Book, The Film, The T-Shirt, I was shocked to see that once again he had chosen to tell his story in a very fragmented style. The narration was from the POV of just about everyone involved in the story, which was--surprise, surprise--once again set in an ad agency. Which means most of the characters are the same types, many of the interactions are similar and to be honest, it didn't feel authentic this time. While the e-mail book was a nice gimmic and made for a great read, this book quickly started to annoy me. So quickly, in fact, that I struggled to make it to page 60. I put it back on the shelf shortly thereafter.

It should come as no surprise, then, that the book wasn't even listed on BarnesandNoble.com. I seldom put down a book, and never before page 100, but this was pure trash and I'm amazed it found its way into a bound version. The best part of the book? The cover, which was well-designed enough to fool me into thinking, wait, this might be good...it's not. Also, he looks like a real douche:

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