

One great thing about being a grown man is that I can go to the grocery store whenever I want, buy a box of Lucky Charms and eat them.

When I was a kid, we weren't allowed to have "sweet" cereal. Instead, we had Cheerios or Rice Crispies or Corn Flakes, which we were allowed to put sugar on. What sense does that make, forcing your kids eat healthy cereal, then allowing them to heap five scoops of sugar on? We would eat the cereal, then scrape the spoon along the bottom of the bowl and eat the mounds of sugar that didn't dissolve in the milk. Delicious.

But as a grown man, I don't have to do that. But if I want to, I will. I'll just go buy some cereal I don't really like and put tons of sugar on it. Then, if I want, I can just spoon the cereal into the trash and eat the milk-sugar.

Being a man is awesome.

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