

As a soccer player, I've seen some gruesome injuries. I once had a guy point at me from the sideline and say "I'm going to break your leg." Then a few years later I watched a guy kick right through my lower leg, snapping both bones in half. Ouch. This one is pretty bad and doesn't involve a leg breaking. Instead, England Captain John Terry attempts a diving header and takes a boot to the face. Had to be rushed to the hospital and almost died...

In better news, on the heel of yesterday's post I read an article stating that the Geiko Cavemen might be getting their own ABC sitcom. I'm not sure 30 minutes of these guys would be as funny as 30 seconds, but they're pretty funny.

Caveman Sitcom Story

And check this out. Party at the caveman's house.

I have a feeling the caveman fad is going to burn out soon. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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