

A good movie, a somewhat obscure Kanye West track and a convenient outline for things to talk about.


March Madness. Enough said.

One of the best events to occur every two years is the last official day of your contract with your cell phone service provider. I call it New Phone Day. Yesterday was that day for me. And as soon as things slow up at work I'll spend hours obsessing over which new phone to get and which new service provider to choose. The Pearl is the early leader.

Another good thing is a daily mp3 my friend Christos sends out: Christo's MP3 Of The Day. They're not all winners, but there's some great songs. Plus, they're almost all by bands I've never heard of and would never think to listen to. It’s an easy way to find new music. To be put on his list, e-mail him at christos.mp3.of.the.day@gmail.com and ask to be added.

Good use of punctuation in a statement scrawled on the wall above a urinal: Fuck you, cunt.


Speaking of New Phone Day, I plan on leaving Verizon. Why? Mostly because I'm not wild about their phone selection. But my decision is also based heavily on my hatred for their new commercial, which I call “The Meathead Weightlifter.” Every time I have to watch that guy talk about how the new Fallout Boy song "really pumps him up" I want to chop his head with an axe. No, seriously, I bought an axe--well, more of a hatchet--and if I see him, it's chopping time. I have to change the channel when the commercial comes on; it literally makes me hate Verizon.


How about Tennessee blowing a 20-point lead to Ohio State last night? The whole second half made me want to throw up. Bruce Pearl, the human sweat factory, must be kicking himself. First, don’t blow a 20-point lead! Second, at the end of the game, with six seconds left, why not call timeout? Then you can design a play that will put the ball in your best shooter’s hands. But no, instead they settled for the wild scramble-down-the-court-and-throw-up-an-off-balance-leaping-toward-the-basket-shot, which was swatted into the stands by 40-year old Greg Oden. On top of this horrible sequence of events, I had to be sitting in a bar filled with OSU fans who were doing that awful O-H-I-O chant. I left almost immediately to avoid saying something that would have resulted in my face being punched by some shit-canned Buckeye fan. It was ugly.

That's all for now.

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