

For some reason I go through some serious lulls in writing here. It can be as little as two weeks or as long as a month. I usually think it's because I don't have anything to write about, but there's always stuff happening in the world, so that's a poor excuse. In an attempt to get rolling again, here are some things:

- Lately I have been wanting to eat more and more candy.

- Yesterday in the grocery story there was an altercation when an ESL shopper got into the express lane with OVER TWENTY items in his basket. At first I was pissed, since I only had eight. I felt vindicated when the cashier reprimanded him for trying to cheat the system. Then I felt bad when I realized that he had no idea what she was talking about. His face turned red and he kept looking at the sign above the register, then at other signs, trying to figure out what "10 items or less" meant. Hopefully he learned a lesson.

- I started a new job at an agency called R/GA. I'll be working on some of Nike's websites and interactive advertising. It should be cool, but right now I just spend most of my day staring at the computer, trying to figure out what I should be doing. My free shoes have not yet arrived.

- This morning they were filming an American Airlines commercial near my office. It's amazing how many people will stop and stare, waiting for something to happen. I watched nothing happen while I waited for my breakfast sandwich.

- There is a giant crane outside of my building. Giant cranes are pretty cool.

- Last night an older Korean man kept touching his wife's butt as they were walking down the street. She would giggle and move away, only to have him do it again when she got close enough.

- I don't know what the equivalent is for hate, but I hate people saying "I heart that," when they mean "I love that."

Pistons and Red Wings in the playoffs. Go Detroit.

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