

Nothing says, "I think about you when I scroll through my phone book" like a generic holiday text message. I'm almost offended by these pitiful gestures, especially when they're from someone I haven't talked to in months. Why even bother? Does it make you feel like we're still close? Because to me, it's just a reminder of how we never hang out and you never call me. And I never call you.

Sending me that text on a holiday tells me you still have my number in your phone. So you didn't lose it, you just never call. It also tells me that I'm possibly one of the top 50 most important people in your telephone, which is kind of sad. We haven't spoken in months and yet I'm still high enough on the pecking order to make your mass text message list? I probably wouldn't have noticed our slowly dying friendship had I not gotten that weak-ass generic text. Thanks.

Call me, Lisa...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that mass holiday text messaging should be included on this list